(Kajal Singh journalist); New Delhi: NASA has shared a video of the sun, titled A Decade of Sun. In this video released by NASA, the Sun has been studied for the last ten years. This video has been studied from 2 June 2010 to 1 June 2020. NASA has been very closely informed about the changes in the Sun during these ten years.
There is much surprising information on this video shared by Naas. NASA said the Solar Observatory has monitored the Sun for 10 years, as well as taking 45 million high-resolution photos of the Sun and collecting 20 million gigabytes of data.
Ten years later, the Sun’s magnetic field changes completely
NASA released the time-lapse video in a statement, saying that the time-lapse footage showed the rise and fall in activity during the Sun’s 10-year solar cycle. NASA said that this sun has changed a lot. This activity has helped scientists understand more about the functioning of our closest stars. Also, how it affects the solar system has also come to light. According to NASA, the Sun’s magnetic field goes through a cycle. Which is called the solar cycle, The magnetic field of the Sun changes completely every 10 years.
This 10-year time-lapse video is taken at a wavelength of 17.1 nanometres. These images, taken from a very ultraviolet wavelength, show the sun’s outermost atmospheric layer.
In this video shared by NASA, 10 years is shown through one hour and one minute. The video shows every single second a day. NASA uploaded this video on its YouTube channel on Wednesday. This video has been viewed more than 6 lakh times so far and people are also commenting in various ways by watching this video of Surya.