(Kajal Singh, Intern Journalist): Buses were arranged to bring the migrant laborers to their homes but masks were not provided for the sanitation and staff of the buses. Due to the negligence of the Kanpur administration, the risk of spreading corona infection is increasing.

Kanpur: The process of a homecoming of migrant laborers continues in lockdown. In such a situation, the administration has made buses to ensure that no laborers reach their homes on foot and have made all the arrangements to reach the safe house. But no one is taking care of the safety of the staff running on the bus.

The driver and conductor of the bus say that they are constantly working to bring the migrants to their homes, but no arrangement has been made for them. Nor have these people been given masks, globs, or sanitizers. These people are buying all these things with their own money. Not only this, the bus with which these people are working to take passengers is also not being sanitized. Trains are not even being cleaned.

Despite all the guidelines of the government, negligence is being done. Not only this, but the screening of the staff running in the bus also is not being done. These people are going straight to their homes after the job. Due to which the risk of infection reaching their homes can not be ruled out.
The government is doing everything possible to prevent the infection of the corona epidemic. But these efforts seem to fail when the system and facilities are confined to a particular class.

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