During the Corona epidemic, where many countries have been questioned about its prevention and spread, everyone has praised the leading role India played in it. This is the reason that India’s strength and credibility have increased during this epidemic on the global stage. Now, this strength is expected to increase further. In fact, the intention of the US to include three other countries, including India, in the G-7 group is very broad. Not only this, but it can also prove to be a big setback for China and Pakistan. America has prepared a roadmap for this somewhere. This is the reason the US has decided to postpone the proposed G-7 meeting by September to consider how to recover from the economic downturn. There is no doubt that India’s strength and credibility will be increased by joining the G-7 group of countries.
Seal on India’s growing strength
This intention, expressed by President Donald Trump, is in some way stamping the growing strength of India, including Asia, besides strengthening relations between India and America. Apart from this, it is also India’s diplomatic victory on the global stage. Trump says that he does not believe that this as G-7 properly represents what is going on in the world. Now it can be G-10, G-11 and it can expand after elections in America. Trump says that he has already talked to leaders of these four countries about this already.
Siege of china
Among the countries that the US has appealed to include in the G-7 include South Korea, Russia, and Australia. You must also mention here that Russia was part of the G8 group during the previous Obama administration. But he was left out of the group in 2014 after Russia annexed Crimea. Let me tell you that America, India, and Australia are members of the Quad. It is also very special in this context because at present many countries of the world have given a direct indication of the siege of China. As far as raising the G-7 to G-11 is concerned, this will increase India’s diplomatic importance. Let us tell you that at present, Italy, Germany, Japan, Britain, Canada, and France are members of this group apart from America.
Exercise to bring allies closer
Giving information about the purpose of increasing the number of G-7 members from the White House, it has even been said that its purpose is to bring together our traditional allies and discuss. One of its major objectives is to create a similar strategy with its allies to deal with China. Significantly, the gap between China and America has increased considerably due to the Corona crisis. Both have accused each other of creating this crisis and spreading it. 62 countries, including India, under the leadership of the United States, have signed the draft to investigate the origin of Corona. This has increased the problem of China. However, China has been consistently denying the allegations against it.
Benefits of joining a group
There can be many advantages for India in joining the G-7 or G-11 group. Let us first tell you that this group has been considered as the most powerful group of countries in the world. Therefore, it would be a matter of honor for India to join it. Apart from this, it will help in moving forward under a common strategy between India and its other member countries. This help will be on both strategic and business issues. After joining India, China and Pakistan will also get full opportunity to try and win over them diplomatically.
UNSC seat
Significantly, elections are to be held in July for the temporary seat of the UN Security Council as part of a new election process. The only contender from the Asia Pacific seat is India. India has long wanted to get this seat. But every time some other countries, including China, have been stuck. But for the past few years, the US has been supporting it by calling India a strong contender for this seat. It is believed that this time India will definitely get this seat. India is included in all strategic global groups along with America.
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