(Riya Singh, Intern Journalist): In a lockdown, big fat Indian weddings have turned into intimate ceremonies. With the rituals being performed on video calls, people should still set the vibe high through the do-it-yourself decors. Creating an attractive atmosphere in the house is the key to these house weddings. If you are clueless about how to do it, here are some of the decor ideas that will help you create Instagrammable pictures.
Colorful Paper Fan background: For this, all you need is a bunch of colorful papers. You have to fold them into fans. Make sure to fold large sheets of paper to enhance the background.
Floral Canopy: This idea will be a hit for all the selfie kings and queens. You will just need a hula-hoop and some flowers (fake ones will also do) and colorful curtains.
Photo Booth: You can have a special corner for the photo booth. In this section, you can create emojis on a sheet of paper, of which you can create photo frames wherein people would pose.
Ceramic Backdrop: You can hang ceramic plates in the background for that classic wall decor. This will help you to enhance your picture.
Wishing Tree: If you have a tree in your house, make it into a wishing tree where your relatives and guests can leave notes for you and your other half. Put empty notes under the tree, and when the guests are done writing it, they can simply tie it on the tree with a thread. Later this can be put into a scrapbook.
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