China, engaged in avoiding international pressure due to Covid-19, has now started playing a complete mind game over its border dispute with India. After sending its troops to the territory controlled by India in the Galvan Valley of Ladakh, China has laid claim to the entire region. Such a claim has not been made directly by any representative of the Chinese government, but through the Global Times, the main newspaper of the ruling Communist Party.
China shows its attitude through the mouthpiece Global Times article
The article published in the Global Times is taken as the idea of ​​the ruling party and government in the world. Often, China uses this media to put its diplomatic ideology in front of the world.
India has full responsibility for stress
Putting full responsibility for the current tension along the Line of Actual Control in this article, it has been said that India has infiltrated the Galvan Valley, which is under the purview of China, as part of a well-thought-out strategy. Since the first week of May, the Indian Army has been entering the Chinese territory and deliberately engaging with the Chinese soldiers. The tendency to provoke India in this way should be avoided because it will affect the relationship between India and China, and the situation which was created in the Doklam incident may increase even more than that.
Willing to maintain this tension for a long time
It has been further stated that the leaders of both countries had to struggle a lot to overcome the tense situation that had arisen in Doklam. Now the same situation should not be created again. Tactics to prolong the tension This article also exposes China’s thinking about eastern Ladakh and indicates that it is willing to maintain this tension for a long time.
The article also mentions the war of 1962
This is also known by the construction of temporary camps on a large scale within a week from his side. The article also mentions the 1962 war. It said that China currently has a strained relationship with the US, but its position is very good since the year 1962 when it defeated India. The situation in India and China were largely the same then, but at present, China’s economy is five times bigger than India.
Trying to find a way to end stress
It is also worth mentioning that this article of Global Times has also tried to show a way to end this tension. It directly states that India will have to give up western thinking about China to resolve its border dispute with China. Referring to the US for not looking at China through American glasses, it has been said that even those who are supportive of India’s pro-US policy, cannot even support President Trump’s US First Policy.
India does not look at China with American glasses
The Trump administration is provoking India against China so that it can take advantage of it. In the end, it has been hoped that India, according to its thousands of years old civilization, will not see the relationship with China through American glasses. It is in India’s interest to understand the reality of China and make similar changes in its policies.
It is worth mentioning that there was a fight between India and China in 1962 near the Galvan river valley. China started making new claims about this area from the year 1960, while India considers the whole of Aksai China as its part. Aksai Chin is the area that Pakistan has unofficially given to China.